Open Team Positions

Simply put, we are on a large scale mission to bring Christian Healthcare to as many communities as we can beginning with Kennesaw, GA. While we are a business, our heart is ministry.
- MINDFUL: Keeps the WHO and WHY above the WHAT and HOW.
- NOBLE: Possesses a high level of integrity in all areas of life and allows others to hold him/her accountable.
- IMAGINATIVE: Joyfully willing to collaborate, explore, and discover ideas with others as image bearers of the Creator.
- OPTIMISTIC: Hopes and trusts our Sovereign God to work out all things for our good.
- BRAVE: Moves forward despite fear, doubt, or insecurity.
- DETERMINED: Sets out to achieve his/her God-given mission regardless of the obstacles.
- DEPENDABLE: Cares enough to be on time, fully present, and focused on the well-being of the client/patient during each interaction.
- YIELDING: Is ready to exchange his/her plans for God’s and also has the humility to heed His wisdom.