NEGATIVE COMMUNICATIONWhen any two people interact with one another, disagreements are bound to come up; however, it is possible to disagree or have an emotional interaction without tearing the other person down, storming out of the house, looking down on the other for their wrongs, or always feeling like you have to defend yourself. By incorporating principles from the Gottman method and cognitive behavioral therapy, negative communication can become positive and encouraging.
EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRSIf you are thinking about having an affair, please pick up the phone now and call us at 678-389-1195. Affairs cause so much pain and damage to a marriage. If you have already had one, there may still be some hope to reconcile your relationship with your spouse. We can help you and your spouse navigate this event and create a stronger foundation so you can move forward together.
LACK OF SEXUAL INTIMACYMany times this pattern results from other issues going on in the relationship, but it can also be a natural season of life like during some pregnancies or just after a baby's arrival. In sessions, we can explore the root cause for this pattern and correct other harmful patterns that may be contributing, or we can develop strategies for maintaining intimacy in other areas of life while we go through these seasons.
FRUSTRATED PARENTINGMarriage dynamics can be hard to maintain, and when you add kids to the mix, family dynamics can overwhelm anyone. Thankfully, we have many tools to help guide us into parenting styles that fit parents' and children's personalities so that they can be shaped into the growing mature adult that we envision them as one day. Imagine being able to correct your child without losing your temper and your sanity.
DESTRUCTIVE HABITSSome habits are good to have while others can be harmful to oneself and those that care. Physical and substance abuse are two primary habits that must be broken in order to achieve peace in a relationship. Manipulation, judgemental words, and passive aggressivenss are also habits that need to be worked on and overcome.
ANGRY & ANXIOUS CHILDRENWhile some children have biological dispositions to anger and anxiety, sometimes creating, restructuring or tweaking reward systems and safe emotional spaces can tremendously decrease all of their out of control emotions. Our counselor will work with you to create a system that works for you and your family.