

Sometimes moments of trauma can shift the way we see the world. This can leave obvious marks on our feelings of safety, trust, power, control, esteem, intimacy. Cognitive Processing Therapy, we can work to bring these areas of life back into balance. This is a structured therapy plan that generally takes 13-16 weeks to complete fully.


COGNITIVE PROCESSING THERAPYPTSD is highly treatable using Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). Research shows that it is the most effective form of treatment for PTSD right now. The treatment is standardized to 12 weeks, and it aims at challenging your thoughts and feelings by giving you tools to evaluate if those thoughts and feelings are founded on the current situation's reality. Throughout the sessions, you will learn how to become aware of your thoughts and feelings, and then engage them accurately.GROUP THERAPY SETTINGSPeople with PTSD sometimes feel more comfortable opening up with other people who have been through similar experiences. In a group setting, a counselor will walk the group through CBT processes. You will be able to share as you need and want to while also listening to others share their progress and journey toward recovery. This creates a safe environment for you to process while also forming relationships with other servicemembers that are going through similar challenges.

RELIVING THE PASTOne of the key signs for someone with PTSD, is that they relive moments in the past as if they were happening right now. This may result in nightmares, but it can also happen during waking hours, too.

CHANGES IN LIFE OUTLOOKAfter experiencing some level of trauma like servicemembers often do when deployed, a person with PTSD would have a very drastic change to their worldview. Those with PTSD may feel very strong negative emotions and have trouble trusting others.

AVOIDING SPECIFIC SITUATIONSOften, those with PTSD try to avoid certain events that may trigger a moment of reexperiencing the trauma or produce strong emotions bybringing the trauma to remeberance. Talking about the trauma is often very hard to do, and those with PTSD tend to avoid talking about it.

ALWAYS FEELING ON ALERTBecause of a new negative outlook, those with PTSD often do not trust anyone including those that they may have previously trusted. They can become hyper vigilant and see many non-threatening events, people, or items as life-threatening.

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