Small Hygienic Steps Kids Should Take to Prevent Greater Health Problems Later In Life
When you're busy raising your children with a strong Christian perspective, you want to make sure that they take care of the body they've been blessed with. That includes teaching your children small hygienic steps that they can use now that will help them maintain their health as they grow older. Here are just four things you can help your children do that will ensure healthy habits later in life.
Practice Good Oral Hygiene
When it comes to teaching your children healthy habits, the best place to start is with their mouth. You might not realize this, but the health of your gums is associated with many general health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. You can help your kids avoid those health issues by teaching them how to care for their teeth and gums while they're still young.
Bathe Regularly
The Bible states that cleanliness is next to Godliness. With this gentle reminder, it's important you teach your children to bathe regularly. Teaching your children to wash on a regular basis will ensure that their bodies are clean and hygienic. It will also help keep germs away that can lead to diseases.
Learn Proper Hand-Washing Techniques
Children don't always keep their hands as clean as they should. Unfortunately, dirty hands can be covered in germs that will make them sick. Not only that, but the bacteria that they're carrying around on their hands can also make other sick. To help your children stay healthy, and avoid passing germs along, it's essential that they learn proper hand-washing techniques. Your children should learn to wash their hands each time they use the restroom, and each time they blow their noses. It's also crucial for children to learn that they should wash their hands whenever they come inside from playing and before each meal.
Avoid Sharing Eating Utensils
Children love to share. However, that often means that they share things that they shouldn't, such as eating utensils. Unfortunately, sharing eating utensils can lead to illnesses, especially when the person they're sharing with is sick. While you do want your children to learn that it's nice to share, you also want them to learn when sharing isn't appropriate, or safe. To ensure that your children don't pass or receive germs with their friends, be sure to teach them that they should never share their eating utensils.
You want your children to grow up healthy and strong, which means teaching them proper hygiene now. Use the information provided above to teach your children how to maintain a healthy body throughout their lives.
If you’re wanting to take good preventative care of your children, it’s wise to get them tested and screened for any potential problems. Usually there are no problems that come up with a screening, but many times you can learn new things about your child from a screening that will deeply enrich your understanding of your child.
Colgate Oral Care Resources | Dental Hygiene for Kids
Davis Dental Care | Oral Hygiene
American Academy of Dermatology | Children Bathing
Nemours KidsHealth | Why is Hand Washing So Important