Single parents face all sorts of challenges. But whether a parent is single or parenting as a couple, a child’s happiness is one of the things that matters the most. If your child is happy, you are far more likely to be happy. If your child is not, how do you raise a child toContinue reading “How Can Single Parents Unlock Their Child’s Inner Happiness?”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Crash Dieting Is Not the Way to Lose Weight
At one point in our lives, most of us either had to or wanted to lose weight. Fad diets, starvation, exercising to the point of exhaustion – there are all sorts of approaches to weight loss. Although very popular, why are some of these methods not the best way to lose weight and get healthy?Continue reading “Crash Dieting Is Not the Way to Lose Weight”
Signs Of ADHD To Look Out For
Several children suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or more commonly known as ADHD. It is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect your child’s performance and interpersonal relationships in school, at home, and in other social situations such as at church. Doctors are usually able to detect ADHD in children from when they areContinue reading “Signs Of ADHD To Look Out For”
Smoking Is A Major Cause Of Stress
Living in a modern world, we are faced with multiple commitments and responsibilities, which can sometimes demand too much of us and start to feel overwhelming. For a smoker, it can be instinctive to reach for a cigarette and light up as a way of calming oneself down when stressed, nervous or anxious. Many smokersContinue reading “Smoking Is A Major Cause Of Stress”
5 Ways to Retrain Your Brain For Weight Loss
To anyone struggling with weight loss, the phrase ‘eat less, exercise more’ can be quite infuriating. You may be doing everything right following the perfect plan yet not seeing results at least not permanently. Well, you know what’s missing? The power of your brain! This magnificent organ needs to be on the same page asContinue reading “5 Ways to Retrain Your Brain For Weight Loss”
Is A Loved One Suffering From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) may take a heavy toll on relationships. Oftentimes, it can be difficult to understand a loved one’s behavior who has been diagnosed with the condition. You just can’t understand why they are so volatile or lack affection. Because of these experiences, you may feel overwhelmed, worried, frustrated, angry, or even frightened.Continue reading “Is A Loved One Suffering From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?”
What You Need To Know About Chronic Cough In Kids
One of the most common reasons for taking a child to the doctor is for a chronic cough. Accounting for 30 million office visits annually, in the United States, approximately 5 to 10% of children are affected by this ailment. That may seem like a staggering statistic until you remember that, as a sign ofContinue reading “What You Need To Know About Chronic Cough In Kids”
Pre-Marital Counseling With A Christian Approach
One has to wonder, if more couples sought pre-marital counseling before they tied the knot, might our country’s divorce rate be lower? This is something that numerous Christian couples do before they get married so that they can, through their marriage, glorify God. Of course, it also assists in the setting of expectations that areContinue reading “Pre-Marital Counseling With A Christian Approach”
Top 10 Foods That Support Detoxification
We are exposed to toxins every day in the form of heavy metals, pesticides and processed foods – just to name a few. Due to variations in biochemistry and genetic makeup, certain people are more exposed to toxins than others. During pregnancy and nursing, it is important to reduce toxic exposure as children are physiologicallyContinue reading “Top 10 Foods That Support Detoxification”
Choosing A Sport For Your Children?
Although not all children want to be active participants in sports, there may come a time when they need to be involved in various athletic experiences. As parents, choosing a sport for their little ones may be challenging due to an array of factors, including their child’s interests, physical health, body type, character, and more.Continue reading “Choosing A Sport For Your Children?”
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